
Anime watch time calculator(AWTC)


tv shows time calculator
    You know they say, Time is money. Time is important in our daily life. If you are wondering Why the time is important because we just have 24 hours in a day. So we have to organize it Effectively. This also applies to anime lovers.

     with the Anime time calculator(AWTC)  you can calculate how much time you time spent on anime or going to spend in the future. You can see how much time needed to watch the number of episodes that you entered 

        I am considering the anime episode time of 24 min in the AWTC. For a guide or information check the guide post I posted on this site to help you. when you skip the opening and ending of anime you are going to save 3 min per episode.

        In the AWTC  put the number of episodes of your anime that you are interested to watch for example 12,24,48,100 etc. 

Enter Number of episodes :

You have to watch minutes(Non-stop)
You have to watch hours(Non-stop)
You have to watch days(Non-stop)
IF You watch this anime 1 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 2 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 3 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 4 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 5 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 7 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 9 hour a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 10 hours a day then you need days to complete.
IF You watch this anime 12 hours a day then you need days to complete.

After calculating you must be wondering these questions.
  • how long to watch anime? 
  • how many hours of tv should you watch a day? 
    My opinion is you should make an anime Timetable OR Schedule, and watch around 2 hours a day.  

Here is a question for you tell me in the comments  How many days and hours have you spend watching anime? 
     I spend over 50 days(nonstop) or 1200 hours(nonstop) I watch over 3000 episodes of anime now it's your time to tell me. Calculate it and tell me quickly.

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